Comprehensive Pest Control | Tomlinson Bomberger

Comprehensive Pest Control Services

Keeping Unwelcomed Pests Away from Your Property

There are all sorts of insects, spiders, and rodents that may infest a home or commercial property. Some of these pests can be occasional invaders, and others can repeatedly create problems. All of these common pests, listed below, are covered with our Quarterly Pest Control service.

If you find a pest and are having trouble identifying it, capture it in a plastic bag or container. Our pest control experts will be happy to take a closer look and identify it and find a solution for control.

Pests Covered with Our Quarterly Pest Control Service


There are thousands of varieties of spiders around the world, but only a handful of varieties that are found inside homes and commercial properties in our area. Most of these spiders pose very minimal risks to humans, although some individuals can occasionally experience some skin irritation and swelling when bitten by a spider. It is very rare that extremely venomous and deadly spiders are encountered in our area.

spider control
Stink Bugs

Stink Bugs

The brown marmorated stink bug has been one of the main nuisance pests in our area over the past decade. These pests pose no substantial risk to structures, people, or animals, but are a major nuisance as they squeeze their way into structures during periods of time when weather transitions.

In order to get rid of stink bugs, there is a two-pronged approach to stink bug control. The process incorporates both physical exclusion and application of materials, on a regular basis, to the interior and exterior of structures. As these methods are executed, there is a substantial reduction in brown marmorated stink bug populations inside a structure. Eradication should not be expected, but drastic reduction is very obtainable.


Roach control can be needed in a variety of situations. Because multiple cockroach species exist in the Pennsylvania area, identification is very important before deciding on how to eliminate the problem. The four most common species of cockroaches in our area are american, brown banded, german and oriental. These pests can be quite problematic, therefore experience and knowledge is a must to obtain best control practices.



Our technicians are well equipped to control of eliminate several varieties of beetles, including cigarette beetles, drugstore beetles, ground beetles, lady bird beetles (lady bugs), long-horn beetles, and red flour beetles. By utilizing the latest materials and conscientious treatment, beetle control can be achieved.


As crickets hop their way into garages and basements, cricket control becomes a top priority, especially when their noise keeps you awake at night. Crickets are occasional invaders that pose no risk to humans. These insects feed on decomposing plant matter, leaves, fungi, and fruit, making them found around the exterior of structures in mulched areas. These areas provide the food source that crickets need as well as protection from predators.

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder Bugs

These insects are found near many varieties of Maple and Boxelder trees, hence their name. They don’t pose a hazard or risk to humans, but can become a considerable nuisance especially in the spring and fall months. They will frequently be found sunning themselves on structures, vehicles, etc. at times when weather is transitioning. In cooler months, Boxelder Bugs seek places to overwinter behind siding and in attics and garages. As these insects make their way inside, they can become quite a nuisance. Boxelder Bug Control is best achieved by treating the exterior of structures with a control material to minimize the number of insects that may gain access to the interior of the structure. Once inside, it’s advisable to physically remove them. Sealing up cracks and entry points can help reduce interior populations.


You will commonly find these nuisance pests in moist areas. Basements and garages are hot spots for locating Earwigs. Property owners often find these insects when moving boxes, lifting exterior welcome mats, flagstone pieces, etc. and then see them scurrying about quickly to find another dark location for protection. Earwig control is easily achieved with the use of proper insect control materials. Sealing up entry points and eliminating the cool, damp environments that are favorable to Earwigs will help to reduce the likelihood of worsening infestations.



Because these insects move so quickly and often across living areas and even bedroom walls, Centipedes cause alarm to many property owners. They have up to 15 sets of legs, which often grants them the nickname “Thousand Leggers”. These pests lay 60-150 eggs in the spring of the year, and can live 3-7 years. As a predatory insect, they feed on all sorts of structural pests such as ants, spiders, silverfish, cockroaches, termites, and bed bugs. They pose virtually no risk to humans but can become a nuisance pest as they adapt to and move into most areas within a structure. Centipede control is best achieved by treating the exterior of a structure throughout the year and minimally treating interior problem areas.


These insects are similar to Centipedes. They will inhabit similar areas but feed on organic matter that is often found in decomposing mulch and soil. They move much slower than Centipedes and usually only enter a structure by accident or to find shelter from inclement weather or where moisture exists. They pose no risk to humans but can become an occasional nuisance pest. Millipede control is best achieved by treating the exterior of a structure throughout the year and minimally treating interior problem areas.

Indian Meal Moths

Indian Meal Moths

The larvae of these insects infest foodstuffs and are commonly brought into kitchens in packaged containers. The larvae then pupate and winged adults can be found nearby, clinging to walls. As with most pantry pests, control recommendations are to first find the infested food source and dispose of it. This will usually prevent the infestation from becoming more severe and the insects will eventually die off if they don’t have a food source. Nontoxic traps are also available to catch flying adults that are attracted to pheromones that are infused into the glue. Applying control materials inside is rarely recommended.

Other Pests

There are dozens of other pests that will also present themselves as nuisances at both residential and commercial properties. If you have a pest problem, we would be happy to identify your issue and let you know what solutions may exist.

Other Pests
"I would like to express my appreciation for your pest control technician. He does an excellent job at our home and is always willing to answer all our questions and is very helpful. We live in a wooded area and he goes above and beyond what is expected of him to make sure we are pest free."

Robert D.  |   Lititz, PA

"From the pest control technicians, to billing, to sales, everyone at Tomlinson Bomberger is kind, courteous, and dedicated to meeting the needs of their client!"

Rae E.  |   Columbia, PA

"Job was done wonderfully..absolutely wonderfully! The crew went above and beyond the call of duty!"

Ken W.  |   Lancaster, PA

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