As we transition into fall, it is a great time to evaluate your lawn. The summer heat and humidity are brutal to your yard. You can help your lawn recover with lawn aeration. This service will also help your lawn regain health and overall strength. Here in Central, Pennsylvania we often have clay in the soil. In order to keep your lawn healthy, it is vital to aerate your lawn. The clay often gets compacted, making it difficult for water to pass through. Additiaonlly, the roots of your existing lawn cannot spread out properly.
What is Granular Aeration?
Granular Aeration is a grain-based product that adds carbon back into your soil. This process relieves compaction, allowing your soil to absorb water and nutrients more efficiently and increases the oxygen flow. A granular aeration type of product spreads further and gets in tighter areas of your turf than mechanical aeration does. Tap HERE for a short video with even more information regarding this process.
With mechanical aeration, you can only pull so many plugs compared to more of a “blanket” application of a granular aeration product. Typical mechanical aerations only cover at most 15% of the lawn. Granular aeration will result in greater lawn coverage at nearly 100%.
Benefits of Granular Aeration
No messy plugs on your lawn
No risk of damage to your irrigation systems, underground dog fences, or gates.
Relief compaction in your soil
Increase in water retention
Increase grass root growth
“C20 “Granular Aeration Product
The product we use here at Tomlinson Bomberger is called “C20.” A machine is used to spread this product, rather than an aerating machine that pulls plugs from the lawn. C20 is not a chemical, it is rather a natural plant-derived, concentrated carbon food source designed for soil microbes. This product comes from harvested grains, so this makes it environmentally friendly. C20 increases microbial activity in the soil but does not add them to the soil.
Important to know!
The typical suburban lawn does not have the carbon needed to produce a micro population capable of decompressing the soil. Carbon is the energy source for microbial life in the soil. Microbes feed on carbon; a healthy microbe population will aerate the soil.
Will Granular Aeration disturb weed control treatments?
This product will not disturb any pre-emergent or post-emergent weed controls. C20 begins to work within minutes of being watered in. If aerating only, you can water yourself or wait until it rains (let nature do its job).
Granular Aeration timeframe
Granular Aeration will last two to three times as long as mechanical Aeration. According to the USGA, granular Aeration’s benefits will impact the soil’s bulk density for three to four months, whereas mechanical aeration lasts approximately six weeks. You may walk on your lawn immediately after a granular aeration has been completed on your lawn. Watering your lawn after granular aeration has been completed is also important.
We hope this information helps you understand the benefits of aerating your lawn. Please remember that the best time to aerate your lawn is in the fall. Aerating your lawn will increase the soil’s overall health and help your lawn recover from the brutal summer heat. The benefits you will surely see in the following season are well worth the investment. If you have further questions, our team is always happy to assist you. Tap Here!