Why are there mushrooms growing in my lawn?
What are they?
Mushrooms are naturally occurring fungi that abundantly appear when they have great conditions to grow. If there is the presence of abundant moisture (usually after an extended rainy period and cool weather), that’s very conducive to mushroom growth. Decaying organic matter in the soil will cause you to see mushrooms popping up like your own little Smurf Village. Organic matter is found in soil of healthy lawns. As organic matter like leaves, bark, tree roots, animal waste, and grass clippings decompose in the soil, these fungi naturally occur.
Should I be concerned?
Mushrooms are, for the most part, harmless and even beneficial. The main concern of most property owners are that mushrooms are poisonous and pose a risk to dogs or toddlers that may take a taste of a few. The good thing is that the vast majority of lawn mushrooms aren’t poisonous. A few will cause temporary sickness and fewer are truly poisonous.